Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day One

Whut up my people's peoples.  
Faver of Blakbook Inc checking in on the first entry of our brand new blog.  I'm brand new to this shit so let me figure out what exactly is goin on before expecting to see anything too crazy.  It's Blakbook though so you know it will be outstanding quality no matter what.  
Aside from that, it's just me and Lou Lou kickin it here at the new office.  He's cleaning and I'm coming up with new and exciting shit to keep you entertained here in the digital world.  My man Bobby G should be comin through some time later today.  
He and I have been talkin about taking out a wall, so this whole renovation thing is really going somewhere now.  Seriously, if you all had seen what we started out with and where it's going you'd understand why I'm so impressed with this brand new venture.
This is just the beginning you know.  Just prep work and cleaning.  You'll get to experience the entire thing here pretty soon.  I'm sure we'll be extra presentable by the beginning of July.
Either way, this will do for our first post.  I'll get at you in a minute.

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